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ThursdayFeb 02, 2023 9:00 am

Renewable Energy Has Investors Cheering $369 Billion U.S Government Investment

NetworkNewsWire Editorial Coverage: It may seem hard to believe, but the first solar panels were readily available to homeowners who could afford them in the early 1980’s. Back then, the U.S. government was providing incentives to try and encourage consumer adoption. That focus on sustainability has continued — and grown. Most recently, renewable natural gas (“RNG”), a carbon neutral alternative to traditional natural gas derived from organic waste, has been gaining substantial momentum. The honor for the first RNG facility in North America goes to EverGen Infrastructure Corp. (TSX.V: EVGN) (OTCQX: EVGIF) (Profile), which opened its first facility in British Columbia,…

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WednesdayFeb 01, 2023 9:45 am

GeoSolar Technologies Inc. Gearing Up for Growth as New Evidence of Environmental and Health Impact of Fossil Fuels Emerge

It is not only the environment that is threatened by greenhouse gas (“GHG”) emissions but human health; some sources of carbon emissions released from staple home appliances such as gas stoves also produce toxic pollutants that can exacerbate asthma, a recent study shows While electrification can slash GHG, it also increases pressure on the aging grid and blackouts are growing in frequency; for many homeowners, an answer can be to get off the grid GeoSolar’s SmartGreen(TM) Home system uses natural energy sources from the sun and ground to electrify homes without any fossil fuels; offers solutions that can improve indoor…

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WednesdayFeb 01, 2023 9:00 am

Flush With Cash, Arizona Metals Corp. (TSX: AMC) (OTCQX: AZMCF) Intersects New Gold/Copper Zone

Arizona Metals owns two highly compelling properties in Arizona, the Kay Mine Project and Sugarloaf Peak The company had $58 million in cash at the end of Q3, enough to complete its ongoing Phase 2 drilling program, as well as a large Phase 3 program to continue building the resource at the Kay Mine Deposit, and explore around it for additional deposits The latest drill results provided more compelling data, including discovery of a new gold/copper zone and extension of known mineralization The U.S. mining industry produced $90.4 billion in non-fuel metals in 2021, with Arizona being the single-largest producer…

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