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FridayDec 21, 2018 9:30 am

QMC Quantum Minerals Corp. (OTC: QMCQF) (TSX.V: QMC) (FSE: 3LQ) Targets Rapid Development at Irgon Lithium Mine Project in 2019

QMC’s exploration program at its Irgon Lithium Mine Project suggests that the lithium resource estimate at the property could be much higher than the published historical resource QMC anticipates mine development in 2019 News of the property’s capacity and the upcoming production decision is timely, given forecast for future shortages and rising supply demand for lithium In a December 2018 article, QMC Quantum Minerals Corp. (OTC: QMCQF) (TSX.V: QMC) (FSE: 3LQ) stated that it is preparing to rapidly expand exploration and bring the Irgon Lithium Mine Project into production after SGS Canada (qualified engineer) upgrades the historical resource estimate in…

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FridayDec 21, 2018 9:15 am

As Federal Laws Change, Medical Cannabis Payment Solutions (REFG) Looks Forward to Continued Growth

Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018, which includes the legalized production of hemp, passes both houses of Congress Company seeks to change the industry from risky cash-only store fronts to a secure, federally compliant bank-accessible business model Positioned at the forefront as federal laws catch up to the growing industry Companies working in the medical and recreational cannabis industry, like Medical Cannabis Payment Solutions (OTC: REFG), are celebrating a big win. A large farm bill, known as the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018, was passed in the Senate, 20-1, and in the House of Representatives, 369-47 ( Sen. Majority Leader Mitch…

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ThursdayDec 20, 2018 10:00 am

The Green Organic Dutchman Holdings Ltd. (TSX: TGOD) (OTCQX: TGODF) Has Great Expectations for Growth Going into 2019

Despite stock market nervousness over cannabis’ undersupply since Canada legalized recreational use, market watchers expect rebound The Green Organic Dutchman is building a relatively rare organic growing operation that’s expected to have low operating costs, premium pricing and green-friendly credentials The company’s first crop will be delivered next month to select patients as management continues building toward industry-leading capacity The Green Organic Dutchman expects 2019 to be a banner year as it works toward output of at least 170,000 kilograms per year TGOD recently launched a brand new patient and consumer-focused website, which can be viewed at Canada’s legalization…

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ThursdayDec 20, 2018 9:45 am

Golden Developing Solutions, Inc. (DVLP) Primed for Early Christmas Gift as 2018 Farm Bill Frees Up Hemp

Farm Bill 2018, freeing up hemp, awaits President’s signature Makes CBD from compliant hemp legal DVLP set to benefit, with operations in CBD retail, wholesale and information services Texas-based Golden Developing Solutions, Inc. (OTC: DVLP), along with the industry as a whole, seems set for a Christmas gift that will surely be welcomed. This past week, Congress passed the $867 billion Farm Bill, which, among other things, loosens restrictions on the cultivation and sale of hemp. Approved by the Senate on Tuesday, December 11, and by the House of Representatives on Wednesday, December 12, the legislation is expected to become…

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ThursdayDec 20, 2018 9:30 am

Earth Science Tech, Inc. (ETST) Receives Positive Results from Pre-Launch Testing of Hygee Medical Device, Sets Early 2019 Debut

ETST has reported successful results in the testing of its unique Hygee medical device for detecting sexually transmitted infections Hygee detects chlamydia and is intended to be sold as an at-home kit This puts ETST on track to market Hygee in early 2019 through its established distribution channels in multiple countries In the future, Hygee may also be certified for gonorrhea testing Earth Science Tech, Inc. (OTCQB: ETST), a biotech company, has received good news on the development and performance of its Hygee medical device. Molecular diagnostic assays by Procréa Fertility Laboratories have analyzed samples obtained by Hygee and successfully…

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ThursdayDec 20, 2018 9:15 am

Cannabis Strategic Ventures, Inc. (NUGS) Focuses on Entrepreneurial Growth in the Dynamic Legal Cannabis Sector

Cannabis Strategic Ventures injects capital, expertise and network to expand its portfolio The company is developing a family of brands with its portfolio approach Company management believes that there is significant opportunity in the industry to create and control specific industry niches Cannabis Strategic Ventures, Inc. (OTC: NUGS) acquires and develops companies within the cannabis and ancillary sectors that are in startup and growth stages. Cannabis Strategic Ventures, based in Los Angeles, California, injects capital, expertise and network to hyper-grow its portfolio. The company concentrates on supporting entrepreneurial growth within the fast-growing legal cannabis sector and works to provide a…

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ThursdayDec 20, 2018 9:00 am

Pacific Software, Inc. (PFSF) Aiming to Build Digital Silk Road with Blockchain eCommerce Platform

Pacific’s B2B cross-border platform aims to facilitate trade expansion China strengthens trade ties with Latin America Blockchain technology holds promise to improve food safety and quality Different times call for different measures. In antiquity, caravans traversed the 4,000 miles between China and the West bearing silk, spices and news. They traveled along what is now known as the Silk Road, a term coined by German explorer Baron Ferdinand von Richthofen in the late nineteenth century. But that was then. Today, both goods and information can travel by other channels. While trade must go by train, boat and plane, trading information…

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WednesdayDec 19, 2018 9:45 am

Zenergy Brands, Inc.’s (ZNGY) New Zero Cost Energy Saving Program Helps Consumers and Commercial Clients Limit Consumption

Growing environmental awareness creating demand for energy-saving solutions Smart controls make energy consumption manageable Zenergy owns retail energy provider in Texas Growing environmental awareness and changing economics are creating halcyon days for the new Zero Cost Energy Saving Program from Zenergy Brands, Inc. (OTC: ZNGY). Cities across America are increasingly demanding cleaner energy and implementing energy conservation measures. Furthermore, data published by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) show that, since 2017, the cost of electricity from renewables has fallen below the cost of fossil fuels ( These developments are set to usher in happy days for Zenergy, as its…

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WednesdayDec 19, 2018 9:30 am

Aziza Project LLC, via the Aziza Coin, Offers a Tokenized Oil and Gas Fund Investment Opportunity

The Aziza Project focuses on investing in operations in the underdeveloped Southern Africa region The company’s Aziza Coin is an asset-backed security token The Aziza Project owns 20 percent of Africa New Energies London-based Aziza Project LLC offers digital tokens backed by assets. Aziza offers a tokenized oil and gas fund investment opportunity comprising a security token offering, which will permit coin holders to share in company profits. The Aziza Project owns 20 percent of Africa New Energies (ANE). ANE, which has been operating in Namibia for six years, has rights to a huge hydrocarbon concession in the nation valued…

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WednesdayDec 19, 2018 9:15 am

Pacific Software, Inc. (PFSF) Fosters International Trade, Seeks to Link Agri-Blockchain Technology between China and Brazil

Successful tradeshow and business development mission completed at China International Import Expo Pacific Software uniquely positioned to deliver multilingual B2B and B2C e-commerce blockchain solutions Brazil and China are longtime export/import partners with significant potential to increase trade relationship Proposed location for Pacific Software presence in Shanghai under review As a co-sponsor of Latin America Night at the 124th session of the Canton Fair PDC (Product Development Council) Design Show in Guangzhou, China, in early November, representatives of Pacific Software, Inc. (OTC: PFSF) fostered emerging connections with high-level government contacts and prominent importers, a news release states ( The company’s…

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